Teeth Whitening Options From Your Ridgecrest Dentist

At The Dentist House, we believe every patient should have access to the services that will keep their mouths healthy and allow them to achieve a stand-out appearance. The cost of teeth whitening and cleaning varies, reflecting the treatment's complexity and your specific dental needs. That’s why we offer take-home and in-office teeth whitening with the revolutionary GLO system.

A few teeth whitening statistics

Everyone is drawn to a bright, beautiful smile. Studies show that it’s the first human feature most people notice.

  • In 2020, 37 million Americans used teeth whiteners.
  • According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, most people want whiter teeth above all other dental enhancements.
  • The population spends a total of $2 billion annually on whitening products.

All you need to know about GLO whitening options

Have you ever heard of GLO professional take-home and in-office whitening treatments? If not, we’re glad you’re reading this. GLO states that everyone should be able to experience a “glowing smile they’re proud to share." With that in mind, they brought together expertise in science, clinical oral health care, and prestige beauty to help patients around the globe smile a little more.

In-office whitening

The GLO system delivers results with a professional-strength whitening gel, warming heat, and light in a mouthpiece. The transformation only takes one hour – and best of all, it’s a painless process. After the teeth whitening process is complete, we’ll give you GLO whitening gel vials to help you maintain your vibrant smile at home.

Take-home whitening

This is similar to the in-office whitening treatment we provide, except you get results in the comfort of your own home. A key difference is it has a lower concentration gel. This is purely for your safety. It can be completed as a full whitening treatment or for upkeep between visits to our office.

Want to get your GLO on? Call us today for a relaxed, hassle-free consultation. Trust our teeth whitening specialist to turn your dream of a sparkling smile into reality. We’ll answer all your questions and let you know whether you’re a great candidate for this cosmetic procedure.

Reserve your teeth whitening consultation

  • Get whiter teeth in just one visit
  • Proudly share your smile with others
  • Others will take notice of your teeth
  • Do touchups at home with GLO
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